Waste, Energy & Renewables

The value of Waste to Energy & Renewables plant can be significantly derogated quite quickly, caused, due to weaknesses at any point in the project life-cycle, from installation through to output without the vital expertise and proper planning & implementation.  Such factors affecting value include

• Rapid advancements in technology risk plant becoming obsolete
• Upgrades and maintenance, if not carried out properly with the appropriate level of expertise, can cause longer term damage
• Plants failing to perform at optimal output levels due to insufficient expertise at operational level or badly executed projects

For the majority of sites, the buildings are really only there to protect the process plant which is where the value lies.  This highlights the need for convergence of valuation disciplines, with experienced plant valuers working closely with property surveyors to advise and report upon, what can be, complicated installations. At PACT we have developed a specialist advisory service that goes beyond valuation

PACT Advisory – beyond valuation

Technical Expertise – PACT has formed a strategic partnership with environmental & sustainable engineers.  This alliance combines the industry technical expertise with commercial property expertise providing the relevant know-how to formulate an accurate appraisal and valuation of the plant.

Report & Valuation – We can provide valuation on a range of basis, normally on a going concern basis as well as a break-up basis in the unfortunate situation of a plant having to close.

More than just a valuationBy understanding the scientific process of anaerobic digestion, gasification or pyrolysis and their industry application our advice is more than just a valuation.  We will give an insight to the workings of the plant and provide options for exit strategies if necessary. We can provide additional technical advice alongside a sales strategy, when pursuing a business sale or in a break-up scenario.


Valuation & Advice – Five household waste & composting sites

An instruction to value and advise on five household waste and composting sites totalling in excess of 1,000,000sq ft in Avonmouth, Sharpness, Maidstone, Leicester and Poole. Time was very much of the essence as the Administrators, due to potential liabilities arising from the handling of household waste, wanted to sell the property at the earliest opportunity while being sure that maximum value had been extracted from the sites.

For sector specific experience contact us

Lead Director