Plant, Machinery & Business Assets

Plant and equipment forms an integral part of most companies balance sheet, however its value to the business is often disregarded.

At best assets are dealt with on a book value basis which is rarely representative of the current market or sales value.  Dealt with appropriately, plant & machinery are truly ‘assets’ providing value to the business, but dealt with less well can impact on, other, valuable resources and affect productivity. For example redundant equipment ties up costly space and available investment funds.

Whether considering a sale or purchase of a business, raising finance or re-organising, there are many circumstances when an organisation will benefit from an accurate appraisal of their plant and equipment.

Whatever the circumstances PACT can provide the full range of services, from Inventory to Sale, to assist businesses better understand the extent and value of their assets and options that release value, across a wide variety of sectors from Automotive to Waste handling.

I recently instructed PACT to dispose of some surplus fork lift trucks and found the whole process from collection of the trucks to receiving funds professionally undertaken and transparent

David Chamberlain - UK supply logistics manager, Spirax Sarco

Contact us to discuss a strategy to maximise the value of your plant and equipment

Lead Director